

Hand Up, Hand Down, Bind Hands

1. Sit-up in a cross legged position while keeping your back straight. Continue breathing into your nose and out your nose at all times. Take slow, deep and smooth breaths. 

2. Place the right elbow behind the head. Follow up by having your left hand reach from the lower back in order to lace the fingers together. Your fingers will meet between the scapulas. Once your fingers are laced together hold. Take slow and deep breathes in order to open up the shoulder. Use your breath to stretch. Do not be forceful. 

3. Once the shoulder feels loosened deepen the stretch by forming a fist with the laced fingers. Squeeze the fingers together in order to form a fist with the fingers and then hold. Breathe slowly, deeply and smoothly in order to open up the shoulder further. 

4. Then breathe in and then rotate the left shoulder back as you breathe out. Do not rotate the torso when turning the left shoulder back. Continue to breathe in and breathe out as you rotate the left shoulder back. Do not be explosive with your breath or shoulder rotation. When you are ready slowly come out of it as you breathe in. Then be repeat the other side.


Hand Up, Hand Down, Bind Hands

1. Sit-up in a cross legged position while keeping your back straight. Continue breathing into your nose and out your nose at all times. Take slow, deep and smooth breaths. 

2. Place the right elbow behind the head. Follow up by having your left hand reach from the lower back in order to lace the fingers together. Your fingers will meet between the scapulas. Once your fingers are laced together hold. Take slow and deep breathes in order to open up the shoulder. Use your breath to stretch. Do not be forceful. 

3. Once the shoulder feels loosened deepen the stretch by forming a fist with the laced fingers. Squeeze the fingers together in order to form a fist with the fingers and then hold. Breathe slowly, deeply and smoothly in order to open up the shoulder further. 

4. Then breathe in and then rotate the left shoulder back as you breathe out. Do not rotate the torso when turning the left shoulder back. Continue to breathe in and breathe out as you rotate the left shoulder back. Do not be explosive with your breath or shoulder rotation. When you are ready slowly come out of it as you breathe in. Then be repeat the other side.

Hand Up, Hand Down, Bind Hands

1. Sit-up in a cross legged position while keeping your back straight. Continue breathing into your nose and out your nose at all times. Take slow, deep and smooth breaths. 

2. Place the right elbow behind the head. Follow up by having your left hand reach from the lower back in order to lace the fingers together. Your fingers will meet between the scapulas. Once your fingers are laced together hold. Take slow and deep breathes in order to open up the shoulder. Use your breath to stretch. Do not be forceful. 

3. Once the shoulder feels loosened deepen the stretch by forming a fist with the laced fingers. Squeeze the fingers together in order to form a fist with the fingers and then hold. Breathe slowly, deeply and smoothly in order to open up the shoulder further. 

4. Then breathe in and then rotate the left shoulder back as you breathe out. Do not rotate the torso when turning the left shoulder back. Continue to breathe in and breathe out as you rotate the left shoulder back. Do not be explosive with your breath or shoulder rotation. When you are ready slowly come out of it as you breathe in. Then be repeat the other side.

Double Elbows

Double elbows rotations are far more challenging then they look. After about 15 rotations you will begin to feel challenged. 

1. Stand in a Tadasana. Continue breathing into your nose and out your nose at all times. Squeeze your finger tips together and then place them onto your shoulders. 

2. Start to rotate your elbows around the shoulders. As you rotate touch your elbows together. Always touch your elbows together in front of the chest. To accomplish this throughout the rotations is what makes double elbows rotations challenging. Do not cheat. Touch your elbows. 

3. Continue breathing into your nose and out your nose at all times. Every time your elbows touch breathe out. Breathe in when rotating your elbows towards the back. 

4. After rotating in one direction be sure to switch directions. Consider starting with 15 rotations until you progress to 25 rotations in each direction.

Elbow Behind Head

1. Sit-up in a cross legged position while keeping your back straight. Continue breathing into your nose and out your nose at all times. Take slow, deep and smooth breaths. 

2. Place your left elbow behind your head. Take your right hand and place it on the left elbow. Then pull the left elbow behind the head. Once your elbow is pulled over to the maximum point then hold. Take slow deep breathes in order to open up the shoulder. Use your breath to stretch. Do not be forceful. 

3. Deepen the stretch by extending the spine vertically. Maintain your chin parallel to the floor. Then hold with your chin parallel and spine perpendicular to the floor. 

4. Continue to breathe in in order to stretch the shoulder. Do not be explosive with your breath. When you are ready slowly come out of it as you breathe in. Then be sure to repeat the other side.
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