Blog Post

Quantum Physics Spirituality

Ines Johanna Stephan • Apr 25, 2021

Invisible forces influencing the physical

The term field in quantum physics represents invisible moving forces that influence the physical world. Spirituality represents invisible moving forces that influence the physical world.

Yoga arrived in the West when people were starting to explore quantum physics. Prior to this time, Western people did not have a language to understand the energy and consciousness aspects of yoga.

The yogic science teaches that everything is connected by an unseen force which exist in the universe, the unified field. The supreme revelation of the individual very essence is that «the Self, the Consciousness» reveals itself only to itself. A constant practice of yoga and meditation reveals the pure awareness of our eternal shining soul, in other words the «Atman». In yoga Atman is also Prana, they come from the same Sanskrit root, which means breath, life force, vital principle. The primordial cosmic breath.

Today’s scientist and ancient vedic texts are making the same claim: In every person there exists a mini universe, a microcosmic replica of the macrocosmos.

Albert Einstein said: “The idea that there is separateness is but an illusion, we are all one thing in this universe, and our job is to widen our circles of compassion till it surrounds everything in the universe.”
But if it would not have been for Einstein to say so, most of the Western people would not trust the revelation that self-study, the discovery of thyselfs is the essence of freeing oneself of fears, the essence of freedom.

In the book Tao of The Physics, Fritjof Capra claims to see strong parallels between Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, and modern physics—especially quantum mechanics. The word “tao” derives from “way” or “path” and in Chinese philosophy it refers to the underlying organization and unfolding of events in the universe. In Capra’s view, this connection is in “perfect harmony with those of the Eastern mystical traditions which have always regarded consciousness as an integral part of the universe.” Capra said: “When I refer to mysticism, I mean the religious philosophies of Hinduism, Taoism and Buddhism…”, adding that although these three eastern avenues differ and are each open onto a large number of pathways, “the basic features of the world view are the same”.

The main emphasis is on intuitive knowledge, the direct experience of reality which, in Eastern mysticism, “transcends not only intellectual thinking but also sensory perception” Of course, physicists themselves are concerned with rational knowledge, but Capra shows that both types of knowledge may occur in both fields - science and eastern traditions. Capra illustrates the main features of “Hinduism”, from the old Vedic traditions to the Bhagavad Gita, from the relationship between Brahman and Atman, to the notions of  yoga. The idea that all is interconnected. The common congruity of all these traditions, according to Capra, “is the awareness of the unity and mutual interrelation of all things and events, the experience of all phenomena … as manifestations of a basic oneness”. Duality between subject and object based on quantum physics, shows that separation can not hold. The dual character of light and darkness, yin and yang, the concept of complementarity.

“The dance of Shiva” taken as a metaphor for the dance of continuous transformations of particles and that matter equal energy. Thus Capra concludes that the ancient Eastern and modern Western thought are in harmony in its general philosophy and its specific view of matter.
Nowadays we are capable to see that the brain is flexible and able to change. Throughout a yoga and a meditation practice the brain is receiving more blood flow and can grow thicker and stronger, like muscles do when we train them. Even though the brain is not a muscle, the more often we go to that place where we sit still and quite the more that part of the brain gets receptive. Throughout a heartfelt thought and emotion our heart can grow thicker and stronger.  If you are new to yoga or meditation you may think nothing is happening but be confident, yoga and meditation can make this change happen. Do not give up that quickly, convincing yourself you are not good in practising yoga or meditation. Just keep on with the practice and be patient, the results will show, often sooner than you expact.

Through yoga and meditation we go beyond our present identity and personality, and we feel more joyful, refreshed, relaxed, stronger, and whole. We feel that logical connection between the heart and the brain. We balance the energy flow between our physical, mental and energy bodies. By practicing we get beyond our very own selves and can release present and past pains, worries and fears. The practice of yoga and meditation shows the path where behaviours match intentions, and actions match thoughts. When more energy goes to the brain, we achieve a greater level of awareness and a higher state of counsciousness. We make better decisions, we finally think beyond our conditions or environment. Each time we practise we gain new experiences, feel new heartfelt emotions and can create a future where we exist without fear.
Asana (body posture) in its origin meant to sit still in a meditation pose and only at later stage in hatha yoga broadened to approximately 5 million standing, twisting, balancing, reclined, and inverted postures. Through some specific asana and pranayama (breathing) techniques we preserve Bindu (the nectar of life) and achieve health and longevity. I dare to say that the Bindu today also could be translated in metabolism (maintaining alive the nerve-, muscle-, and gland cells, as well the human microbiome and telomeres). Through yoga and meditation we grow new neurons (nerve cells) which release neurotransmitters (chemical messengers) that trasmit a signal from a neuron to another neuron, muscle cell, or gland cell. We create new brain circuits (the path that the electrical or chemical signal follows as it moves from one neuron to the next neuron).

A higher state of consciousness can as well be attained through the practice of bandha and mudra techniques. Bandha are body energy locks and mudra are body, hand, and head gestures which avoid the dissipation of prana into the outer world but redirecting the energy within to body. Both are considered yogangas (an independend branch of yoga) and shall only be taught to the practitioner after a certain proficiency of the asana and pranayame techniques have been attained.

Neuroscientist, Doctor of Chiropratic and researcher Dr Joe Dispenza claims that practicing yoga and meditation on a frequent, almost daily basis, does influence a person’s future. He says that even may say that we can provoke a quantum phenomenon. Many people are able to reverse serious health conditions or rare genetic disorders that medical science yet has not found a solution for. People are upregulating new genes and downregulating genes that have to do with disease or imbalance by changing their inner state. We are not cursed by our genes, but we are our own genetic engineer. Every time a cell divides, about 50-75 times, the telomeres shortens in lenghts. Telomeres prevent the DNA double helix from unwinding, an action that would cause the double helix to be degraded by enzymes. The telomeres allow the DNA to be copied without losing genetic information. Stress is causing hormones of stress to accelerate the degeneration of the telomeres. But telomeres can lenghten as well. We understood that they need time to grow. Dr Joe Dispenza as well claims that his researches show that in rare cases people increase the lenght of telomeres within 4 days by meditating and feeling heartfelt elevated emotions. This is a quantum phenomenon. Energy influencing matter, happening in an instant and it is not time-dependent. When people have highly charged emotional experiences, it begins to change their emotional state, and it changes their brain structure, it changes the mapping of the brain, it selects and instructs new genes to change. A heartfelt elevated emotion creates an experience that neurologically wire and enriches the circuits in the brain, and it sends a chemical emotional signal to the body, it emotionally and chemically changes the body and a person’s state of being. Life is not easy and not linear. Every day learn how to be still and quite, and elevate your emotional state.

In 2006 William J. Cromie writes in the Harvard Gazette: Meditation found to increase brain size. People who meditate grow bigger brains than those who don’t. Researchers at Harvard, Yale, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have found the first evidence that meditation can alter the physical structure of our brains. Brain scans they conducted reveal that experienced meditators boasted increased thickness in parts of the brain that deal with attention and processing sensory input.  “Our data suggest that meditation practice can promote cortical plasticity in adults in areas important for cognitive and emotional processing and well-being,” says Sara Lazar, leader of the study and a psychologist at Harvard Medical School. “These findings are consistent with other studies that demonstrated increased thickness of music areas in the brains of musicians, and visual and motor areas in the brains of jugglers. In other words, the structure of an adult brain can change in response to repeated practice.”
Stem Cell Biologist, PhD, Bruce H. Lipton claims that telomeres are the fountain of youth.
Death is no ending the our existence. An assessment of our cell membrane’s population of protein receptors suggests that a part of us survives after death, an energy that inplies the existence of a spiritual realm. Science of genetics for years tried identify the genes that presumably control aging. But aging is not a genetic character. The ends of a chromosome could not be replicated when the cell divided. A segment of the terminal DNA sequences in a chromosome are lost every time a cell replicates. When the loss of the DNA strand reaches a critical level, he cell can no longer replicate, and it dies. Further research reveals that there are extensions of non-coding DNA at the terminal of the ends of the chromosome. Telomeres, which prevent the DNA double helix from unwinding, an action that would cause the double helix to be degraded by enzymes. The telomeres allow the DNA to be copied without losing genetic information. The DNA copying enzyme DNA polymerase is what duplicates DNA molecules. Physical limitations prevent it from reading and copying a short stretch of the DNA at the terminal end of the DNA strand. Imagine a DNA molecule as a railroad track. The enzyme DNA polymerase which copies the DNA is an engine moving down the railroad track.  As the DNA polymerase moves down the track, it leaves behind in its trail a duplicate copy of the DNA on which the engine was riding. The enzyme cannot copy the DNA piece on which it is sitting, and can not copy it, thus there is a loss of telomere.That means every time you copy the DNA, it gets a little shorter than the original version. So every replication of DNA reduces the lenght of that DNA molecule. This leads to aging, depression, and disease. Natur allows us to extend the replication time by adding a piece of DNA at the end of teh DNA strand that does not code for anything, it is just a piece of DNA track. The DNA is stable as a double helix, but if the DNA starts to unfold, and the helix starts to seperate, then the free end of the DNA are opened to digestion by enzymes, and destroy the DNA molecule. The telomeres, the little extensions at the end of the DNA, protect the DNA’s double helix from unwinding and be broken down by enzymes and being degraded. Imagine the plastic capsule, the aglet, at the end of a shoelace. If the aglet is missing the shoelace unwinds and the end of the strand flares out and it is difficult to push it through the eyelet in the shoes.

But the primary function of the telomeres turns out that it makes an extension of the DNA that allows the DNA to be shortened every time the DNA is copied without affecting the gene programs. This allows so many divisons before we run out of telomeres. The lifetime of an organism is based on how many times a cell can be divide before it loses those telomeres extension and then cuts into the DNA program.

In 1961 Scientist Leonard Hayflick said that a cell can divide 60 times before losing its telomeres. Putting that information into our biology he accounts that a human can live for approximately 90 years, before the telomeres are lost and then subsequent replications of the DNA interfere with the gene programs. That said we could say that the lifespan as a human is limited.

In 1984, scientist Elizabeth Blackburn, discovered an enzyme, telomerase, that can extend the length of telomeres, which translated means to extend the human lifespan. Telomerase can be activated or inhibited based on what we are experiencing in our life. Things which will inhibit that enzyme, include things such as bad nutrition,  verbal and physical childhood abuse, domestic violoence, PTSD, no self-love or loss of love, not seeing the purpose in life.

Things that will activate telomerase are good nutrition, exercise, gratitude and happiness supported by elevated heartfelt emotions, self-love and love, a purpose in life.

In Newtonian terms an individual life is terminated by its death, but the realm of quantum physics suggest that for the realm of energy is neither created nor destroyed. Our potential sprituality is linked to a unique biological identity. No two people are biological the same. We can not just exchange cells, tissue, or organs with one another, as our immune system will distinguish our cells from foreign cells.  Our unique identity sits on our cell membrane that the immune system can recognize and distinguish self from not self. It is not in the nuclei if the cells, indeed researches show that a cell even can survive or weeks without the nucleus.
Protein receptors, self receptors on the outer surface of the cells membrane’s are responsable.  Identity is related to the protein receptors, they function like a group of personal antennas who read a broadcast from the the field (the environment) like a tv set does. This is what the doctors look for if the have to transplant an organ, the self receptors on the donor’s and reciepent’s organs to find the most possible overlaps of the self receptors, for the immune system of the receipent does not attack the new organ but accept it. The self receptors on a cell read an energy field outside of the cell, the self.  So if we die, the identity is still there, the show goes on, the broadcast goes on, we just need to change the tv, another body with the same set of self receptors as we have. Our identity is still a part of that energy field in the environment. We have a perpetual field that identifies us. Bodies come and go. We cannot die, because we are not even in here. We are not the physical entities, that is the mechanism that translates our identity so we can communicate in this physical world. We are a broadcast field, we are broadcast through the environment.  

C.I.A. polygraph expert Cleve Baxter (Emotional Intelligence) found, that cells taken from a person and placed in a culture dish, still respond electrochemically to the donor’s emotional states, even when the donor is out of the room, out of the building, or out of the state. Same happens to mothers knowing when their child is in dangeour, even if the child is on the other side of the world, the mother might experience distress. Mothers receive stem cells from the child still in the womb, the child’s stem cells migrate in to the maternal system and end of in the nervous system of the mother. The mother us the equivalent of the culture dish.

Our identities come from an energy field, that is connected to the sun the moon and planets. The behaviour of living beings is tight to the gravity of the planet, and the gravity of the planet is altered by the movement and the phases of the moon. An understanding of how extraterriestrial structures can alter life on this planet. We are an energy field, we are part of the unified field, and we are coming all from the same source.

The real scientific foundation for spirituality is related to the nature of quantum physics. Consciousness is influencing the character of our lives, our personality. We are spiritual, mental entities creating our lives. As long we can replicate our stem cells, replacing the cells that are dying on a daily basis, we can stay alive. The realization of a spiritual identity that transcends life would influence the character of our lives and how we relate to the planet, all living beings and especially to other humans.

Yoga with Perumal Blog

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